Bluetooth and Pollution Events
Using Bluetooth to help identify potential pollution events can allow local authorities and governments to be more proactive in their tackling of pollution events.
Pollution Events
Pollution is a serious problem in the world today, with one of the largest causes being the car. For Smart Cities being able to predict pollution events by traffic patterns is a key method of preventing the events in the first place.
Finding the Cause
Using Bluetooth detection data traffic conditions at the time a pollution event occurs can be passed to the AI so it can learn when to expect a pollution event and alert that something has to be done.
BT-M4 Bluetooth Detector
Using the BT-M4 detector to detect as many vehicles as possible for the most accurate data, which is then passed to the central server.
IA-NO2 Pollution Detector
Using this precision, low-cost pollution detector a large number of locations can have their pollution analysed in real time.